Why join RDASA?


RDASA is the only organisation solely dedicated to supporting South Australia’s rural doctors. Without us, we wouldn’t have been able to successfully negotiate for you during our last Contract negotiations, an average salary increase of 21%, cumulative over 2022/23. 

 As a member of the RDASA, you are supporting us support you. We advocate for progressive solutions for you and your rural communities. At the moment, our focus is 

  • Lobbying the State Government to develop a well-supported and well-resourced Rural Generalist pathway.
  • Further developing the conditions of our rural doctors through



  • upcoming Contract Negotiations with the State Government.
  •  Bringing a rural voice to the table of government bodies and workforce committees.
  • Planning events to promote rural practice for students and junior doctors.
  • Managing education and training events, developed with a rural practice lens to further the skills and tools of our rural doctors. 

The greater our membership, the greater our influence. 

Join us and register now

Aaaaannnddd - you also get membership of RDAA!


When you join RDAV, a portion of your membership fee goes to our national body, RDAA. These funds allow RDAA to represent rural doctors at a national level, which is hugely important as all Medicare legislation is governed by the Commonwealth along with the majority of workforce distribution policies and programs.

RDAA does this by: 

  • Working closely with the Commonwealth and State governments to help develop policies and programs that will succeed in rural areas 

  • Promoting rural medical careers to junior doctors (#DestinationRural)

  • Providing professional support for rural doctors 

  • Working to develop improved financial incentives for rural doctors 

  • Promoting strategies that will build a sustainable rural medical workforce


More RDAA info